There was a power cut and there was no water ..... in my hostel for about two days ... Its walk of life for more than 70 percent of the Indians ... It was not the case for us. We felt as if we are in one of the conditioning camps of Hitler. We simply, honestly could not stay normal or adjust ourselves during the course of interruption.
How is that 70 percent of fellow country men take it as light as a dust ... while it seemed to us the failure of entire administration of our Institute.How is that they are able to march past all these interruptions while we went even to the extent of cancelling the classes .. .. Iam thinking ....
The reason cited commonly is ... We are used to what we have . If some thing goes wrong .. we don't get what we get regularily then ... Problem starts .. Here comes the fundamental question ... Is that have to be your own ... your own experience to make it happen again or to prevent it happen again ... This reminds me conversation between my friends avinash and viki about tamils in srilanka. Viki was quoted saying "we will not able to feel the pain of a person who lost his land,his community his cultural bondage and in short sense who has lost his emotional living "
I feel it is true . A person who comes good from an poor financial background knows the pains and remedies. One who comes from a financially sound background ... it is difficult for him to understand visualise and make out the remedies ... Iam not saying it is impossible .. But it is difficult and it will eat up considerable amount of country's resources .... it may also result in horrendous policy judgements and we have witnessed plenty of those.
Schemes for rural India is drafted by a urban brought up minister. Policy for education of poor is enacted by a house of ministers whose children study in big private schools and minister themselves are uneducated .... in this case value of education is known to a man who has got it.. not to one who has not ... .. It is mostly the lack of understanding of the intensity of issues leads to erroneous policies.. You may say this is the basis of democracy... People must have to vote in and vote out to get issues resolved...
But has that happened ?? Till Independence dawned this sacred India ..... life has not been a holi to majority of her countrymen. Our PM in his I-day speech puts before him issues almost similar to the one Nehru had put before 60 years ago when independence came.. There is clear lack of ownership of the problems of the ruled amongst rulers . Even if that is the basic design .. a human nature... we cannot let it happen .....
I would suggest a priority ... of course reservation to people who come from backward background ... means not only finacially but also culturally, backward .... to rake up the real intensity of the issues ... Strangely there have been voices that there should not be any reservation ... You can only laugh at it....
We are in a land of absolute inequality. In the name of global competition we are creating a divide in the nation .. Let us give food first later we will design a fastest electronic chip in the world. Let us give quality primary education to the poor first ... we will later worry about quality of IIT and IIM graduates . Any way they are of no use to India .. they are not going to be in India or for India ... Let us give shelter to the poor we will later build multiplexes and malls .... First we must open our eyes then we can start looking...
We are presently looking with eyes shut and cheating ourselves in the name of Global competition. Long term solutions do not work for problems of long term. We must solve them short term .. Let us think about welfare of people of present .. solve their problems ... Our unborn sons and daughters will have their time to fight it out.Let us think about brothers ans sisters of our time. What is the pride in getting a global tag with millions of her soil fail to get square meal a day.
If all this would happen at cost of a blood shed revolution ... Let us be ready for it ... Let us join the revolt ... Let us give our next generation an equitable and harmonious society to grow with .... I pray .. on millions behalf for such a revolution to take us to everlasting equity ...Jai hind ..