வர வர ஊஞ்சலைக் கண்டாலே பயமாக இருக்கிறது.அதன் மீது ஏறி கால்களால் முடிந்த அளவு எத்தி அது உயர உயர ஆ ஊ ன்னு கத்தி இப்ப நினைத்து பார்த்தாலும் எனக்கு சற்றும் பொருந்தாததாய்! எனது தவிப்பு உங்களுக்கு என்ன தெரியும் வீட்டின் நடுவே பெரியதாய் அமைந்திருந்தது அந்த ஊஞ்சல்.என்ன கம்பீரம் ! என்ன தோற்றம் ! ஊஞ்சல் செய்ய எவ்வளவு நாள் ஆகி இருக்கும்? அதை செய்ய எவ்ளோ பெரிய மரம் வெட்டபபட்டிருக்கும்?.எவ்ளோ பெரிய யானை அதை தூக்கி சாய்த்து நிமிர்த்தி அப்ப்பா ! யானை மற்றும் அந்த பெரிய மரம் இரண்டும் சேர்ந்த கம்பீரம் அதை செய்தவன் வேலைப்பாடு எல்லாம் கலந்து ஊஞ்சல் உயிருடன் என் கண் முன் ! இந்த ஊஞ்சல் இதை மடக்கி வைக்க நாலு பேர் தேவை அவ்வளவு கனம் ! அதுவும் குழந்தைகள் அதன் மீது குதூகலமாய் ஆடும் போது பார்ப்பவரை சொக்க வைக்கும் ! ஆனால் இப்போது ?
அந்த ஊஞ்சல் மீது இப்போது தடை உத்தரவு ! அதன் மீது யாரும் ஆட கூடாதாம் ! என்ன மடத்தனம் ! யாருடைய முட்டாள்தனமா உத்தரவு ! என்ன நியாயம் ! யாருமில்லாத ஊஞ்சலை வெறித்து பார்த்தபடியே நான் எவ்ளோ நேரம் உட்காருவது. எனக்கும் ஆட வேண்டும் என்று ஆசை தான் ஆனால் பயம். கீழே விழுந்துவிடுவோமோ என்று பயம். மற்றவர்கள் அப்படி இல்லை. தடையை மீறாது காப்பதிலே பெருமகிழ்ச்சி கொள்பவர்கள்! ஊஞ்சலில் ஆடும் சந்தோஷம் பற்றி மறந்து போனவர்கள் ! நான் ! எனக்கு பயம்! தடையை ஒரு பொருட்டாக கூட நான் மதிப்பது கிடையாது. என் ஆசை பயத்தை வெல்லும் வரை ஊஞ்சலை வெறித்து பார்த்து கொண்டா இருப்பது ! என் வீட்டு குழந்தைகள் வர மாட்டார்கள் ! பெரியவர்களின் கூட்டு சதி ! குழந்தைகள் ஊஞ்சல் பக்கம் வருவதில்லை ! வேறு யார் ஆடுவார்கள் ! யாரும் இல்லாத ஊஞ்சல் ! தடையை மீறி பயத்தை மீறி யார் ஆடுவார்கள் ! வருடம் பல ஆகியும் தடை நீங்கவே இல்லை ! வீட்டில் உள்ளவர்கள் ஊஞ்சல் என்ற ஒன்றை மறந்து விட்டிருந்தார்கள். என் வீட்டு குழந்தைகள் பெரிய மனிதர்கள் ஆனார்கள் ! அவர்கள் குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஊஞ்சல் என்றால் என்ன என்றெ தெரியவில்லை. யார் மறந்தாலும் ஊஞ்சலை நான் மறக்க மாட்டேன் ! தினம் தினம் யாரும் ஆடாது அழுது வடிந்து கொண்டிருப்பதை .... செய்வதறியாது நான் பார்த்து கொண்டு தானிருக்கிறேன்.ஊஞ்சலை வெறுமென பார்க்க என்னவோ போல இருக்கிறது.
நடு ரோட்டில் இங்கே தான் ! அதோ அவர்கள் ! சிவப்பு பச்சை விளக்கு பகுதியில் மூன்று குழந்தைகள்,ஒரு ஆண்,ஒரு பெண் ! குடும்பமோ ! சேர்ந்து தானே வாழ்கிறார்கள் ! சண்டை போடுகிறார்கள் ! மஞ்சள் துண்டு விற்கிறார்கள் ! பிச்சை எடுக்கிறார்கள் ! குழந்தைகளின் வயது முறையே பத்து, நாலு,மூன்று!
படீர் ! படீர் !
ஏம்பா அடிக்கர ?
இது என் பையன் தான் ஸார் !
அதுக்கு இப்படி தான் அடிக்கறதா! இப்படி தான் பிச்சை எடுக்க உடரதா!
இல்ல சார் இவனா தான் வாரான் !
நான்தான் அடிச்சி வீட்டுக்கு கூட்டிட்டு போறேன் ஸார்!
பக்கத்தில் நாலு பேர், இல்ல ஸார் இவன் பொய் சொல்றான் ஸார் தினமும் அடிக்காரன் ஸார் !
பிச்சை எடுக்க சொல்றான் ஸார் !
சத்தியமா என் புள்ள ஸார் !
இவன எல்லாம் போலீசில் புடிச்சு குடுக்கணும் ஸார்!
இவங்க எல்லாரும் ஒரே கூட்டம் சார் ஒண்ணும் பண்ண முடியாது
- இது போலீஸ்
நான் இத நாளைக்கு ஹிந்தூக்கு எழுத போறேன் !
அதெல்லாம் சுத்த வேஸ்ட் ஸார் !
இவங்க பின்னாடி ஒரு சர்வதேச கும்பல் இருக்கு ஸார் !
கடவுள் தான் இவங்களுக்கு ஒரு தண்டனை குடுக்கணும் !
சத்தியமா என் புள்ள ஸார் !
சிவப்பு விளக்கு,
எதுவும் நடக்காதது போல குழந்தைகள் பிச்சை எடுக்க போக.. அடித்தவன் மஞ்சள் துண்டு விற்க..... எனக்கு தெரியும் இவர்கள் தான் ! இந்த குழந்தைகள் தான் ! இவர்களை இரவு வரை காத்திருந்து வீட்டிற்கு கூட்டி சென்று ஊஞ்சலில் ஆட வைக்க வேண்டும். எனக்கு தெரியும் இவர்களுக்கு பயம் கிடையாது ! தடை பற்றியும் கவலை இல்லை ! தடை இவர்களுக்கு கெடையாது வீட்டு குழந்தைகளுக்கு மட்டும் தான் !
இரவில், மூன்று குழந்தைகளும் ஊஞ்சல் முன் அதை பார்த்தபடியே நின்றன! எனக்கு இன்னும் பயம் போகவில்லை ! ஊஞ்சல் மேலாய் எழும் போது தூக்கி விசீ விடுமோ என்று பயம்.பின் செல்லும் போது கீழாய் தள்ளி விடுமோ என்று பயம்.
எனக்கு தெரியும் இவர்கள் இந்த ஊஞ்சல் மீது ஏறி ஆடிப்பாடி அந்த காட்சி இன்னும் சிறிது நேரத்தில் என் கண் முன் நடக்க போகிறது ! எவ்வளவு நாள் கனவு ! இப்போது நிறைவேற போகிறது ! குழந்தைகள் ஆ ஊ என கத்துவார்கள் ! ஆடி பாடுவார்கள் !
குழந்தைகள் பயந்தன ! ஊஞ்சல் இருக்கும் ஸ்மரணை கூட அவர்கள் இடத்தில் இல்லை. சொல்ல போனால் அவர்கள் ஊஞ்சலை தொட கூட இல்லை ! எனக்கு ஆச்சரியம் ! வலுக்கட்டாயமாக குழந்தைகளை இழுத்து ஊஞ்சலில் அமர்த்த முயன்றேன் ! குழந்தைகள் பயத்தில் பின் வாங்கின ! வேண்டாம் ! பயம் வேண்டாம் ! தடை உங்களுக்கு கிடையாது ! குழந்தைகள் வீட்டை விட்டு ஓட்டம் பிடித்தன ! எனக்கு பெருத்த ஏமாற்றம் !
ஊஞ்சல் காற்றில் லேசாக அசைய " யாராவது இதில் ஆடுங்களேன் "! எனக்கு ஓ வென்று கத்த வேண்டும் போல இருந்தது ! ஊஞ்சல் மீது யாரும் இல்லாமல் பார்க்கவே முடியவில்லை.யாரும் ஆடாத இந்த ஊஞ்சலும் ஒரு ஊஞ்சலா ?யார் ஆடுவார்கள் ! ஊஞ்சல் இப்போது பார்ப்பதற்க்கு என்னவோ போல் ! ஒரு மனிதனின் கை கால் இரண்டையும் மேலே கட்டி தொங்க விட்டது போல் ஒரு விகாரமான தோற்றம் ! யாருக்கும் பிடிக்கவில்லை இந்த ஊஞ்சலை ! இப்போது எனக்கு சுத்தமாக பிடிக்கவில்லை இந்த ஊஞ்சலை !
ஊஞ்சலாம் ஊஞ்சல் !
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A world full of questions ?
"Who is the winner?”. This is the question of five year old Sidu after the first ball of a cricket match being bowled. I tried to answer him by saying that it will be known only after some time. He was quiet for about two minutes and again the same question.“Who won? ". I explained him the arithmetic behind runs and wickets. But he is not satisfied. I was left incapable of explaining what is cricket to a five year old. In the middle of tension of Indo-pak final that was very hot to handle. Every time we get excited over proceedings of the match it made him to ask the same questions innumerable times tirelessly.
enthukku ? - blend of telugu,tamil and malayalam in that word. This is the most repeated word by the five year old. Most of his questions are absolutely simple so that we do not have answers. Orange na ? - In response to my reply that the color of the doll's linen is orange.
enthukku ? - blend of telugu,tamil and malayalam in that word. This is the most repeated word by the five year old. Most of his questions are absolutely simple so that we do not have answers. Orange na ? - In response to my reply that the color of the doll's linen is orange.
Every time a visitor arrives, it is time for live performance of oratory and gk skills of Sidu.
"sollu who is the prime minster of India ? "
"poona thatha" he replies and We are very much bewildered as much as the visitor.
"paru ne correcta sonna you will get a choclate"
"choclate enga ?"
"kadaikku poi na vangi tharen"
"ippove venum"
" appo sollu ... man .... " Sidu says,
" poona thatha " again enjoying the bewilderment of the visitor and anxiety of his parents.
Visitor has got himself into the whirl of making Sidu say the name of the prime Minster. All his efforts would not budge Sidu. He extends his arm, tries to wrestle Sidu closer to him and touch his chin and cheeks and will plead.
" sollu ma yaru namma prime minster appa sonnalay ".
Sidu would jerk himself off from the grip of the visitor and grab the toy that is lying on the floor.
Every time a visitor arrives, it is time for live performance of oratory and gk skills of Sidu.
"sollu who is the prime minster of India ? "
"poona thatha" he replies and We are very much bewildered as much as the visitor.
"paru ne correcta sonna you will get a choclate"
"choclate enga ?"
"kadaikku poi na vangi tharen"
"ippove venum"
" appo sollu ... man .... " Sidu says,
" poona thatha " again enjoying the bewilderment of the visitor and anxiety of his parents.
Visitor has got himself into the whirl of making Sidu say the name of the prime Minster. All his efforts would not budge Sidu. He extends his arm, tries to wrestle Sidu closer to him and touch his chin and cheeks and will plead.
" sollu ma yaru namma prime minster appa sonnalay ".
Sidu would jerk himself off from the grip of the visitor and grab the toy that is lying on the floor.
He is uncontrollable on seeing an expanse good enough he judges to have a sprint. Sprint would be endless from one end to the other till the next distraction. When few children join, it is a picture of chaos. Characters on the television channels reincarnate as the Sidu and neighborhood children. Re-enactments of recent episodes of the popular cartoons continue in absolute mayhem, till voice of elders would bring it to an end.
I think there is an innate script inside every child reminding them to finish first on everything they are up to. Climbing stairs, getting up in the morning, getting into the car first and the list is endless. If I pretend that I have finished ahead of Sidu it will depress him. He would add many more criterions for being declared first which undoubtedly would favour him.
I think there is an innate script inside every child reminding them to finish first on everything they are up to. Climbing stairs, getting up in the morning, getting into the car first and the list is endless. If I pretend that I have finished ahead of Sidu it will depress him. He would add many more criterions for being declared first which undoubtedly would favour him.
Sprinting inside the house boasts of Sidu's immaculate balance. From the front door he would dash off to kitchen in a spurt follow it by another to reach the living room with unrelenting energy and balance. At times he slips and his recovery depends on if he is being watched or not.
Sprinting inside the house boasts of Sidu's immaculate balance. From the front door he would dash off to kitchen in a spurt follow it by another to reach the living room with unrelenting energy and balance. At times he slips and his recovery depends on if he is being watched or not.
Ne evlo height ?
Ne evlo height ?
Suraj oda height.
How many times you ate?
Suraj ooda neraiya sapten.
Suraj is the declared standard in scheme of anything he wishes to compare with.
He is very happy to take Suraj in his formula 1 car for imaginary(?) rides across plains,fields,mountains. There will be imaginary repairs, fixes, fuel refills each administred with real care and caution. Infact he has a fleet of cars which he parks right next to the main door of the house for visitors to see. Unmindful visitors would stumble on it and will lose balance sometimes.
He endlessly writes from 1 to 100 on a four squire note. Besides he shows us houses, mountain, trees, rivers, his class room, sun and the moon scrambled one upon the other on a page imbued with plenty of colours. He sometimes wishes to write a few things similar to hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt. There is a fourteen digit number he proudly displays in a piece of paper. He flaunts the paper with an air of caution pointing it out as his visiting card.
What is your school name?
"Nalaikku school leavu”.
I think I got the answer. It seems irrelevant at first read. But immediacy of world in which Sidu lives makes me feel that answer is relevant. Lack of thought of future, present fills the entire realm of thought of this five year old.
"Nalaikku school leavu”.
I think I got the answer. It seems irrelevant at first read. But immediacy of world in which Sidu lives makes me feel that answer is relevant. Lack of thought of future, present fills the entire realm of thought of this five year old.
Everything he cross checks with mother. From day to day chores to the mysterious arithmetic, Mother gives the panacea.
As the visitor leaves, Sidu would rush to him and mumble "Manmohan singh” by dragging his shirt. This would delight the visitor to great extremes. If the visitor attempts to pay back for this answer by a tweak in the cheek or a pat in the head, Sidu will not be there. But we can hear him in unison shouting with other children “Power ranger’s mystic force". As his voice echoes on the staircase, a new thrill will mount on us. It would take us years back.
As the visitor leaves, Sidu would rush to him and mumble "Manmohan singh” by dragging his shirt. This would delight the visitor to great extremes. If the visitor attempts to pay back for this answer by a tweak in the cheek or a pat in the head, Sidu will not be there. But we can hear him in unison shouting with other children “Power ranger’s mystic force". As his voice echoes on the staircase, a new thrill will mount on us. It would take us years back.
We shall share a sigh, that why do we grow? Why cannot we stay as children?
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Kazhakuttom railway station

It is not a greatest place on the records of tourist books. A quiet suburb fittingly got a tiny railway station adjacent to a fleet of coconut groves.Iwill try to capture the moments I spent in that place as honestly as possible.Exaggeration at times transcends limits as I try to re live my rendezvous.
The kattanchaya or karuppatti was awesome to begin with. Later it turned very bitter to drink. I gulped it down. Tea was served by a lady who bore a traditional keralite smile bestowed upon her by anatomy of teeth.The station name " kazhakuttom " was written in hindi, english and the local language malayalam. The name plate is an old metal arch precariously bent resting up on a big tamarind tree. Foot paths cutting the dense grass or make do's as they say, adorn the lonely rails.Unlike parallel rails which never meet these make do's join and leave the rails on numerous occasions duly filling in as companions.
How often we find a vinayaka temple adjacent to a railway station ? Kazhakuttom is not missing out either.May be Vinayaka loves train so much.The evening passenger to kollam is yet to come.A stray dog wandered up and down the platform without any purpose.How am I saying it had no purpose. May be it had some purpose how do we know ? I got seated comfortably eagerly waiting to see a train.Seats on the platform are a gift to sit. You dont often get a better seat. Try it and tell me. Smiles got exchanged from opposite platforms. Wave of hands and a sense of fulfilment filled the realm of workers going back home.
Distant horn and rumble of the oncoming train woke the station from its slumber.Casual looking station guard checked the signals and kept his flags ready.The train is not the expected passenger and it is not meant to stop at kazhakuttom. It had a good speed.The arrival was ceremonial with a long horn and a ever increasing rattle of its wheels.Blend of its horn and wheels' rumble made every one look up and see the train.Even lovers seated at far end were forced to break their trance.
As the train crosses your eyeline,those where moments of glory for the train.Massiveness blended with speed leaves you dumbstuck.We feel as though we share the glory by merely watching the train's progress.It was all done in a quarter a minutes' time.Everyone paid due respect to it.It commanded it.Rhythmic friction between the track and wheels makes good music to one's ears. The platform gently yields to the pressure of the pace of the train by little quivers.Those quivers with the train's horn takes you to an elated state.The kollam passenger came.Only few people alighted and few boarded.`Silent meaningful glances` were exchanged for the last time of the day as the train rolled out of the station.Chirping birds and distant game of foot ball took the station back to silence. I could read the faces of people alighted. The pleasantries and grievances of the day are spilt in the train. It made their hearts lighter and their distant dreams seem closer.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Weakening Link
"Babu repeated it for the tenth time -”Raja Raja chola built tanjore temple in 1010 AD”. He felt it was enough. "Shahjahan built Tajmahal". This is fairly easier. It deserved only five repetitions. Babu teaches history at high school"
Crores of history lessons are taught like this. An attempt to treat history as a mere collection of facts is a gross injustice to our rich and fabulous past. They rarely get the attention and understanding they deserve. CREATION of mindset, to treat history as an fact base and a demand to reproduce it blindly for examinations leads to a justified disinterest amongst young minds. This sets the tone for their increasing disinclination to learn about our glorious past.
"Giridhar's Job is very dull and boring. He needs to go to the office at 9 and comes back at 5 regularly throughout the year. No work doing regular time. No hopes of over time. His customers include young lovers who rarely want to be disturbed from their trance, middle aged couple with turbulent minds seeking solace from routine in silence of the premises, fleet of school children drop in occasionally with their school teacher as their guards. Besides there will be researchers who turn up at times. Giridhar hates them. Their questions are very difficult for him to answer. He clings to newly arrived computer and pretends that he is too busy. Yes. He is the curator at National museum in Meerut."
Tone that is created in schools is REINFORCED at large, at the plight of our national museums and art galleries. To name a few, Tirumalai nayakkar mahal museum at Madurai and museum at rock fort trichy are at dire straits. Visitors have a purpose for which the museum is not built for. Abject state of museums and related institutes, drives away even the little few who want to re look into the past. Maintenance of thousands of such museums and art galleries all over India is a demanding job though not financially rewarding. We are resigned to accept that nation's growth depends only on economic frontiers. In the race of SENSEX, GDP and inflation we miss the joy and glory in seeing the growth of our country in cultural and social fronts.
"Saamee ... This is how most people call him. He is very old and an exponent of all Vedas and Upanishads. Lessons and case studies taught by management gurus are often redundant when compared to his knowledge about tirukkural and mythology. His knowledge is rarely valued in the society he lives. Being old he is the victim of neglect. He often laments about the lack of respect to elders, among the younger generation and faces the wrath of counter arguments which dejects him further. He is ganapathisamy gurukkal. He currently resides in Chennai with his sons and daughters who are working for MNC's."
Tone that is created in schools is reinforced outside translating it into actions in our day to day life. Customs and rituals are slowly forgotten or shortened to customize the so called fast pacing world. Outsourcing’s poorest manifestation in the name of hosting parties with catering agencies' help is a shocking indicator in our land which is famous for the way it plays the host to its guests. What is the use of hosting a party if you are not a host? Perplexing. History is looked up as the last career option. Disrespect to elders, Ridiculing persons going to temples are most prevalent amongst youngsters of our times. In this mode of forgetting things we DESTROY the link unconsciously. Soon would be times we will not be able to tell where we came from.
What happens when one looks back at past? It instills confidence in us to move forward in a positive fashion. Lessons like dedication, sincerity and Magnanimity transcending all forms of work are abundant in history. Only we fail to see them. From the past, some people grew to the present and some went down to the present. Why? Lessons lie there.
Key lies in conscious attempt, to create a mind set in schools, to care about our past. We must preserve the present to handover it to the next and destroy the anomalies and irrelevant things to learn the right lessons from the past.
The Hindu Trinity
Lord Brahma is the first member of the triad, Vishnu being the second and Shiva, the third. Brahma is the god of creation and he is traditionally accepted as the Creator of the entire universe. Lord Vishnu regarded as the preserver of the universe. Shiva is said to be the god of destruction and the three gods represent the three fundamental powers of nature which are manifest in the world viz. creation, destruction and maintenance. These powers exist perpetually. Creation is going on all the time. So is destruction and maintenance. All three powers are manifest at all times. They are inseparable. Creation and destruction are like two sides of a coin. Maintenance is an integral part of the processes of creation and destruction.
"Babu repeated it for the tenth time -”Raja Raja chola built tanjore temple in 1010 AD”. He felt it was enough. "Shahjahan built Tajmahal". This is fairly easier. It deserved only five repetitions. Babu teaches history at high school"
Crores of history lessons are taught like this. An attempt to treat history as a mere collection of facts is a gross injustice to our rich and fabulous past. They rarely get the attention and understanding they deserve. CREATION of mindset, to treat history as an fact base and a demand to reproduce it blindly for examinations leads to a justified disinterest amongst young minds. This sets the tone for their increasing disinclination to learn about our glorious past.
"Giridhar's Job is very dull and boring. He needs to go to the office at 9 and comes back at 5 regularly throughout the year. No work doing regular time. No hopes of over time. His customers include young lovers who rarely want to be disturbed from their trance, middle aged couple with turbulent minds seeking solace from routine in silence of the premises, fleet of school children drop in occasionally with their school teacher as their guards. Besides there will be researchers who turn up at times. Giridhar hates them. Their questions are very difficult for him to answer. He clings to newly arrived computer and pretends that he is too busy. Yes. He is the curator at National museum in Meerut."
Tone that is created in schools is REINFORCED at large, at the plight of our national museums and art galleries. To name a few, Tirumalai nayakkar mahal museum at Madurai and museum at rock fort trichy are at dire straits. Visitors have a purpose for which the museum is not built for. Abject state of museums and related institutes, drives away even the little few who want to re look into the past. Maintenance of thousands of such museums and art galleries all over India is a demanding job though not financially rewarding. We are resigned to accept that nation's growth depends only on economic frontiers. In the race of SENSEX, GDP and inflation we miss the joy and glory in seeing the growth of our country in cultural and social fronts.
"Saamee ... This is how most people call him. He is very old and an exponent of all Vedas and Upanishads. Lessons and case studies taught by management gurus are often redundant when compared to his knowledge about tirukkural and mythology. His knowledge is rarely valued in the society he lives. Being old he is the victim of neglect. He often laments about the lack of respect to elders, among the younger generation and faces the wrath of counter arguments which dejects him further. He is ganapathisamy gurukkal. He currently resides in Chennai with his sons and daughters who are working for MNC's."
Tone that is created in schools is reinforced outside translating it into actions in our day to day life. Customs and rituals are slowly forgotten or shortened to customize the so called fast pacing world. Outsourcing’s poorest manifestation in the name of hosting parties with catering agencies' help is a shocking indicator in our land which is famous for the way it plays the host to its guests. What is the use of hosting a party if you are not a host? Perplexing. History is looked up as the last career option. Disrespect to elders, Ridiculing persons going to temples are most prevalent amongst youngsters of our times. In this mode of forgetting things we DESTROY the link unconsciously. Soon would be times we will not be able to tell where we came from.
What happens when one looks back at past? It instills confidence in us to move forward in a positive fashion. Lessons like dedication, sincerity and Magnanimity transcending all forms of work are abundant in history. Only we fail to see them. From the past, some people grew to the present and some went down to the present. Why? Lessons lie there.
Key lies in conscious attempt, to create a mind set in schools, to care about our past. We must preserve the present to handover it to the next and destroy the anomalies and irrelevant things to learn the right lessons from the past.
The Hindu Trinity
Lord Brahma is the first member of the triad, Vishnu being the second and Shiva, the third. Brahma is the god of creation and he is traditionally accepted as the Creator of the entire universe. Lord Vishnu regarded as the preserver of the universe. Shiva is said to be the god of destruction and the three gods represent the three fundamental powers of nature which are manifest in the world viz. creation, destruction and maintenance. These powers exist perpetually. Creation is going on all the time. So is destruction and maintenance. All three powers are manifest at all times. They are inseparable. Creation and destruction are like two sides of a coin. Maintenance is an integral part of the processes of creation and destruction.
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