Saturday, October 01, 2022

Naane Varuven

Fantastic Film, Extraordinary performance from Dhanush to a chilling portending musical score. Splendid camera work and imagery.  Don't miss to watch in theatres. #NaaneVaruven

Story of three fathers, One Father begetting two others to set up the everlasting clash between the good and the evil. Story of three helpless mothers held at the mercy of fathers dance and whims either through brute force or by subtle pressure. Story of a male ego, 'naane' which arrives in time all the time to move the wheel further. Story of mankind from hunting gathering to deskjob eking out a living, Kathir like prabhu leaves home to  carry out hunting as if it's a Office job. Story of how we moved from Feudal Slaving Outdoors to Modern Surveillancing Seclusion. Story of Killing of fathers generation after generation to tame the animal in Man. Story of twin instincts, both delicately close to each other, one coercing to take out other lives while other instinct is ready to Offer its life for others. Story of how long it took for a war mongering Hero turns himself into a puny confused modern considerate logical man. Story of man turning into woman leading the actual women into a unknown vacuum.Story of how we have chosen to remain in secluded individual rooms against open green forests over a period of time ? 

What do one do against pure evil ? Where does the roots of evil lie ? Can we abandon evil so that it is gone ? Will evil perish by itself if we abandon ? Can we use force to remove the evil ? By Anhilating Evil did Good get a taste of what it is like being evil ?