Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sufi paranja Katha - KP Ramanunni

Sufi paranja Katha

Sir - Just Finished reading "Sufi paranja Katha" in Tamil " Sufi sonna Katha" - Excellent novel aesthetically dealing Love, family lineage,Religion/Caste,personal quest,spirituality & Burden of History and specifically usage of words though I read only in Tamil. 

Family Lineage of Pullara Tharavadu / Menon/Brahmins/ Muslims in Kerala are dealt with the help of History highlighting inevitable mix of caste and religion in Long course of time, Sangu Menon s spiritual quest and his deliberations, Vigor of Love both in its mental and physical quests - Its great attempt to weave all above aspects in a novel

 To top it all you have provided a meaning to all this in highlighting harmony of all religions and need for more Beevi s and Bagawatis to push a good man in thought to good man in deed I particularly 

Liked your line " இவை அனைத்தையும் பார்த்து மனமுருகிய இக்கிராமத்தின் தாய்மை தான் இறுதியாக பீவியாக அவதரித்து உள்ளது" 

Thanks a Lot

Dear Sri. Manikandan,

Thank you very much for your good words about my novel. It is really a blessing for a writer to have true and tasteful readers like you. We will keep in touch.
Please e mail your phone no. 

With warm regards,

K.P. Ramanunni

தமிழில் குறிஞ்சி வேலன்

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